During the week between the Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee and that of the Prodigal Son, there is a general dispensation from all fasting. Meat and animal product may be eaten even on Wednesday and Friday. In the following week…the usual fast is kept on Wednesday and Friday. Otherwise there is no special fasting. In the week before Lent, meat is forbidden, but eggs, cheese and other dairy products (as well as fish) may be eaten on all days, including Wednesday and Friday. On weekdays (Monday to Friday inclusive) during the seven weeks of Lent,... During the week between the Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee and that of the Prodigal Son, there is a general dispensation from all fasting. Meat and animal product may be eaten even on Wednesday and Friday. In the following week…the usual fast is kept on Wednesday and Friday. Otherwise there is no special fasting. In the week before Lent, meat is forbidden, but eggs, cheese and other dairy products (as well as fish) may be eaten on all days, including Wednesday and Friday. On weekdays (Monday to Friday inclusive) during the seven weeks of Lent,... During the week between the Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee and that of the Prodigal Son, there is a general dispensation from all fasting. Meat and animal product may be eaten even on Wednesday and Friday. In the following week…the usual fast is kept on Wednesday and Friday. Otherwise there is no special fasting. In the week before Lent, meat is forbidden, but eggs, cheese and other dairy products (as well as fish) may be eaten on all days, including Wednesday and Friday. On weekdays (Monday to Friday inclusive) during the seven weeks of Lent,... During the week between the Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee and that of the Prodigal Son, there is a general dispensation from all fasting. Meat and animal product may be eaten even on Wednesday and Friday. In the following week…the usual fast is kept on Wednesday and Friday. Otherwise there is no special fasting. In the week before Lent, meat is forbidden, but eggs, cheese and other dairy products (as well as fish) may be eaten on all days, including Wednesday and Friday. On weekdays (Monday to Friday inclusive) during the seven weeks of Lent,... During the week between the Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee and that of the Prodigal Son, there is a general dispensation from all fasting. Meat and animal product may be eaten even on Wednesday and Friday. In the following week…the usual fast is kept on Wednesday and Friday. Otherwise there is no special fasting. In the week before Lent, meat is forbidden, but eggs, cheese and other dairy products (as well as fish) may be eaten on all days, including Wednesday and Friday. On weekdays (Monday to Friday inclusive) during the seven weeks of Lent,...
შაბათს მწუხრი და ცისკარი ახალ ეკლესიაში, კუკსტაუნში 19:00. Vespers and Matins in Cookstown Church 7:00pm. 21 Church St, Cookstown, ON L0L 1L0 During the week between the Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee and that of the Prodigal Son, there is a general dispensation from all fasting. Meat and animal product may be eaten even on Wednesday and Friday. In the following week…the usual fast is kept on Wednesday and Friday. Otherwise there is no special fasting. In the week before Lent, meat is forbidden, but eggs, cheese and other dairy products (as well as fish) may be eaten on all days, including Wednesday and Friday. On weekdays (Monday to Friday inclusive) during the seven weeks of Lent,... During the week between the Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee and that of the Prodigal Son, there is a general dispensation from all fasting. Meat and animal product may be eaten even on Wednesday and Friday. In the following week…the usual fast is kept on Wednesday and Friday. Otherwise there is no special fasting. In the week before Lent, meat is forbidden, but eggs, cheese and other dairy products (as well as fish) may be eaten on all days, including Wednesday and Friday. On weekdays (Monday to Friday inclusive) during the seven weeks of Lent,... During the week between the Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee and that of the Prodigal Son, there is a general dispensation from all fasting. Meat and animal product may be eaten even on Wednesday and Friday. In the following week…the usual fast is kept on Wednesday and Friday. Otherwise there is no special fasting. In the week before Lent, meat is forbidden, but eggs, cheese and other dairy products (as well as fish) may be eaten on all days, including Wednesday and Friday. On weekdays (Monday to Friday inclusive) during the seven weeks of Lent,... During the week between the Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee and that of the Prodigal Son, there is a general dispensation from all fasting. Meat and animal product may be eaten even on Wednesday and Friday. In the following week…the usual fast is kept on Wednesday and Friday. Otherwise there is no special fasting. In the week before Lent, meat is forbidden, but eggs, cheese and other dairy products (as well as fish) may be eaten on all days, including Wednesday and Friday. On weekdays (Monday to Friday inclusive) during the seven weeks of Lent,... During the week between the Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee and that of the Prodigal Son, there is a general dispensation from all fasting. Meat and animal product may be eaten even on Wednesday and Friday. In the following week…the usual fast is kept on Wednesday and Friday. Otherwise there is no special fasting. In the week before Lent, meat is forbidden, but eggs, cheese and other dairy products (as well as fish) may be eaten on all days, including Wednesday and Friday. On weekdays (Monday to Friday inclusive) during the seven weeks of Lent,... During the week between the Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee and that of the Prodigal Son, there is a general dispensation from all fasting. Meat and animal product may be eaten even on Wednesday and Friday. In the following week…the usual fast is kept on Wednesday and Friday. Otherwise there is no special fasting. In the week before Lent, meat is forbidden, but eggs, cheese and other dairy products (as well as fish) may be eaten on all days, including Wednesday and Friday. On weekdays (Monday to Friday inclusive) during the seven weeks of Lent,... During the week between the Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee and that of the Prodigal Son, there is a general dispensation from all fasting. Meat and animal product may be eaten even on Wednesday and Friday. In the following week…the usual fast is kept on Wednesday and Friday. Otherwise there is no special fasting. In the week before Lent, meat is forbidden, but eggs, cheese and other dairy products (as well as fish) may be eaten on all days, including Wednesday and Friday. On weekdays (Monday to Friday inclusive) during the seven weeks of Lent,...
შაბათს მწუხრი და ცისკარი ახალ ეკლესიაში, კუკსტაუნში 19:00. Vespers and Matins in Cookstown Church 7:00pm. 21 Church St, Cookstown, ON L0L 1L0 During the week between the Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee and that of the Prodigal Son, there is a general dispensation from all fasting. Meat and animal product may be eaten even on Wednesday and Friday. In the following week…the usual fast is kept on Wednesday and Friday. Otherwise there is no special fasting. In the week before Lent, meat is forbidden, but eggs, cheese and other dairy products (as well as fish) may be eaten on all days, including Wednesday and Friday. On weekdays (Monday to Friday inclusive) during the seven weeks of Lent,...
პროტოპრესვიტერი ალექსანდრე შმემანი დიდი მარხვა პირველშეწირულის ლიტურგია 1. ზიარების ორი მნიშვნელობა დიდი მარხვის განმავლობაში მოქმედ ყველა საღმრთისმსახურო წესს შორის ყველაზე მნიშვნელოვანია - გავიგოთ ერთ-ერთი მათგანი, რომელიც მხოლოდ მართლმადიდებელი აღმსარებლობისათვის არის დამახასიათებელი და შეიძლება გამოდგეს მთელი საღმრთისმსახურო გადმოცემის გასაგებ საშუალებად. ეს წესია საღმრთო ლიტურგიის აღსრულების აკრძალვა დიდი მარხვის სადაგ დღეებში. ტიპიკონში ცხადადაა ნათქვამი, რომ არ შეიძლება საღმრთო ლიტურგიის აღსრულება ორშაბათიდან პარასკევის ჩათვლით, გარდა იმ შემთხვევისა, როცა ამ დღეთაგან ერთ-ერთს ხარების დღესასწაული დაემთხვევა. ამის მაგიერ ოთხშაბათობით და პარასკევობით აღესრულება მწუხრთან შეერთებული განსაკუთრებული ღმრთისმსახურება, პირველშეწირულის ლიტურგიად წოდებული, რომლის დროსაც შესაძლებელია ზიარება. ამგვარი წესის მნიშვნელობა იმდენად იყო დავიწყებული სხვადასხვა ეკლესიებში, განსაკუთრებით იქ, სადაც დიდი ხნის... During the week between the Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee and that of the Prodigal Son, there is a general dispensation from all fasting. Meat and animal product may be eaten even on Wednesday and Friday. In the following week…the usual fast is kept on Wednesday and Friday. Otherwise there is no special fasting. In the week before Lent, meat is forbidden, but eggs, cheese and other dairy products (as well as fish) may be eaten on all days, including Wednesday and Friday. On weekdays (Monday to Friday inclusive) during the seven weeks of Lent,... During the week between the Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee and that of the Prodigal Son, there is a general dispensation from all fasting. Meat and animal product may be eaten even on Wednesday and Friday. In the following week…the usual fast is kept on Wednesday and Friday. Otherwise there is no special fasting. In the week before Lent, meat is forbidden, but eggs, cheese and other dairy products (as well as fish) may be eaten on all days, including Wednesday and Friday. On weekdays (Monday to Friday inclusive) during the seven weeks of Lent,... During the week between the Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee and that of the Prodigal Son, there is a general dispensation from all fasting. Meat and animal product may be eaten even on Wednesday and Friday. In the following week…the usual fast is kept on Wednesday and Friday. Otherwise there is no special fasting. In the week before Lent, meat is forbidden, but eggs, cheese and other dairy products (as well as fish) may be eaten on all days, including Wednesday and Friday. On weekdays (Monday to Friday inclusive) during the seven weeks of Lent,... During the week between the Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee and that of the Prodigal Son, there is a general dispensation from all fasting. Meat and animal product may be eaten even on Wednesday and Friday. In the following week…the usual fast is kept on Wednesday and Friday. Otherwise there is no special fasting. In the week before Lent, meat is forbidden, but eggs, cheese and other dairy products (as well as fish) may be eaten on all days, including Wednesday and Friday. On weekdays (Monday to Friday inclusive) during the seven weeks of Lent,... During the week between the Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee and that of the Prodigal Son, there is a general dispensation from all fasting. Meat and animal product may be eaten even on Wednesday and Friday. In the following week…the usual fast is kept on Wednesday and Friday. Otherwise there is no special fasting. In the week before Lent, meat is forbidden, but eggs, cheese and other dairy products (as well as fish) may be eaten on all days, including Wednesday and Friday. On weekdays (Monday to Friday inclusive) during the seven weeks of Lent,...
კვირას ლიტურგია ახალ ეკლესიაში, კუკსტაუნში 9:30. Liturgy in Cookstown 9:30am 21 Church St, Cookstown, ON L0L 1L0 During the week between the Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee and that of the Prodigal Son, there is a general dispensation from all fasting. Meat and animal product may be eaten even on Wednesday and Friday. In the following week…the usual fast is kept on Wednesday and Friday. Otherwise there is no special fasting. In the week before Lent, meat is forbidden, but eggs, cheese and other dairy products (as well as fish) may be eaten on all days, including Wednesday and Friday. On weekdays (Monday to Friday inclusive) during the seven weeks of Lent,...
შაბათს მწუხრი და ცისკარი ახალ ეკლესიაში, კუკსტაუნში 19:00. Vespers and Matins in Cookstown Church 7:00pm. 21 Church St, Cookstown, ON L0L 1L0 During the week between the Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee and that of the Prodigal Son, there is a general dispensation from all fasting. Meat and animal product may be eaten even on Wednesday and Friday. In the following week…the usual fast is kept on Wednesday and Friday. Otherwise there is no special fasting. In the week before Lent, meat is forbidden, but eggs, cheese and other dairy products (as well as fish) may be eaten on all days, including Wednesday and Friday. On weekdays (Monday to Friday inclusive) during the seven weeks of Lent,... During the week between the Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee and that of the Prodigal Son, there is a general dispensation from all fasting. Meat and animal product may be eaten even on Wednesday and Friday. In the following week…the usual fast is kept on Wednesday and Friday. Otherwise there is no special fasting. In the week before Lent, meat is forbidden, but eggs, cheese and other dairy products (as well as fish) may be eaten on all days, including Wednesday and Friday. On weekdays (Monday to Friday inclusive) during the seven weeks of Lent,...